MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Wiki

There are advancements that come with the mod. They are all listed here.

Advancements list






You've been installed !

Installed Thank you for installing MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod None Start the game with the mod enabled.

Appliance City

Appliance city Install an appliance in your home You've been installed ! Place a kitchen furniture

Frost Bite

Frost bite Freeze an item in the freezer Appliance City Take an item from the output slot of the Freezer

Master Chef

Master Chef Cook some food in the Oven Appliance City Take an item from the output slot of the Oven

Get Yourself Cleaned Up

Cleaned up Place a piece of bathroom furniture in your home You've been installed ! Place a bathroom-related item


Constipated Maybe I won't eat that again Get Yourself Cleaned Up Press the "F" key on a Toilet

No More Skinny Dipping

Skinny dipping Take a shower Get Yourself Cleaned Up Walk below a running Shower Head


Pretty Place a piece of garden furniture You've been installed ! Place an outdoor furniture
Tapped Tapped Use a tap to obtain water Pretty Use a Tap

You has mail

You has mail Place a mail box out the front of your home Pretty Place an oak Mail Box

Dat Package

Dat Package I wonder what is inside You has mail Open a signed Package or Envelope

Send Mail

Send Mail Put an envelope in another player's mail box You has mail Put a signed envelope in another player's Mail Box

Such Advancement

Such advancement Install a piece of technology in your home You've been installed ! Place an electronic furniture in your home


Hey I said hey, what's going on? Such Advancement Place a TV


$$$ Buy an item from Minebay Such Advancement Buy an item on Minebay with the Computer


Duplicated Copy an enchanted book in the printer Such Advancement Take a book from the output slot of the Printer

House Party

House Party Start a house party by turning on the stereo Such advancement Turn on a Stereo


Zapped Get zapped by an electric fence Such advancement Be damaged by an Electric Fence


Minekea Craft either a chair or a table You've been installed ! Craft a Chair or a Table

Ding Dong Ditch

Ding dong ditch You know what to do ;) MineKea Activate a Door Bell

Rave Couch

Jeb couch jeb_ <3 MineKea Rename a Couch "jeb_"

Jingle Bells

Jingle bells Place down a Christmas tree MineKea Place a Christmas Tree


Presented Unwrap a present from one of your generous friend Jingle Bells Open a Present

Sexy Time

Sexy time Cover up your window with either a curtain or blind MineKea Place a Curtain or a Blind
